Building on a wealth of experience

Swart Text Services has edited and proof-read hundreds of documents ranging from complete books through articles for journals to European commission reports.

more than 100 papers and peer-reviewed journal articles

Specialising in social science texts we offer free support to help draft letters to editors and detailed responses to reviewers after editing journal articles thus increasing the chance of publication.

NGO work

Outside of academia Swart Text Services can also help produce NGO reports, the firm has proof-read several NGO reports.

European Parliament and European Commission Reports

The firm has proof-read several European Commission reports.

Horizon 2020 Deliverables

The firm has assisted scientific consortia with preparing tenders and deliverables for H2020 projects.


For academics privately € 0.0075 / character

For larger institutions € 0.02 / character

For smaller volunteer-run organisations € 0.015 / character

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